Narayan R.K.

Mr: Sampath — The Printer of Malgudi ; The Financial Expert. Waiting for The Mahatma Mr: Sampath — The Printer of Malgudi ; The Financial Expert. Waiting for The Mahatma
Автор: Жанр: Everyman Год: 2006 Страниц: 616 Дата загрузки: 26 мая 2009
   «Mr Sampath — The Printer of Malgudi» is the story of a businessman who adapts to the collapse of his weekly newspaper by shifting to screenplays, only to have the glamour of it all go to his head. In «The Financial Expert», a man of many hopes but few resources spends his time under a banyan tree dispensing financial advice to those willing to pay for his knowledge. In «Waiting for the Mahatma», a young drifter meets the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, an adherent of Mahatma Gandhi, and commits himself to Gandhi's Quit India campaign, a decision that will test the integrity of his ideals against the strength of his passions.»




