Grisham John

Theodore Boone: The Activist Theodore Boone: The Activist
Автор: Жанр: Hodder and Stoughton Год: 2005 Страниц: 304 Дата загрузки: 16 марта 2008
   John Grisham delivers high intensity legal drama for a new generation of readers in the fourth novel in his bestselling Theodore Boone series. Though he's only thirteen, Theodore Boone has spent more time in the courtroom than almost anywhere else, and there's always a new adventure waiting. After having been falsely accused of vandalism and theft, Theo is happy to finally be out of the hot seat, once more dispensing legal advice to friends and community members, when an exciting new case demands his urgent attention.
The Racketeer The Racketeer
Автор: Жанр: Hodder and Stoughton Год: 2013 Страниц: 386 Дата загрузки: 7 декабря 2015
   Given the importance of what they do, and the controversies that often surround them, and the violent people they sometimes confront, it is remarkable that in the history of the USA only four active federal judges have been murdered. Judge Raymond Fawcett just became number five. His body was found in the small basement of a lakeside cabin he had built himself and frequently used on weekends. When he did not show up for a trial on Monday morning, his law clerks panicked, called the FBI, and in due course the agents found the crime scene. There was no forced entry, no struggle, just two dead bodies — Judge Fawcett and his young secretary. I did not know Judge Fawcett, but I know who killed him, and why. I am a lawyer, and I am in prison. It's a long story.
Theodore Boone: The Accused Theodore Boone: The Accused
Автор: Жанр: Hodder and Stoughton Год: 2013 Страниц: 288 Дата загрузки: 14 июля 2014
   Theodore Boone is the thirteen year old who knows more about the law than most adult lawyers. He certainly never expected to be the victim of crime himself. But then his bike is vandalised, he's attacked while doing his homework and, worst of all, framed for a robbery. When stolen computer equipment turns up in Theo's school locker, the police start leaning on him hard. And he is the only suspect. What if he is found guilty? What about his dreams of becoming a lawyer? In a race against time, aided by his renegade uncle, Ike, Theo must find the real felon and reveal the true motivation behind the crimes of which he stands accused.
Sycamore Row Sycamore Row
Автор: Жанр: Hodder and Stoughton Год: 2013 Страниц: 447 Дата загрузки: 21 октрября 2016
   For almost a quarter of a century, John Grisham's A Time to Kill has captivated readers with its raw exploration of race, retribution, and justice. Now, its hero, Jake Brigance, returns to the courtroom in a dramatic showdown as Ford County again confronts its tortured history. Filled with the intrigue, suspense and plot twists that are the hallmarks of the world's favourite storyteller, SYCAMORE ROW is the thrilling story of the elusive search for justice in a small American town.
Il rapporto Pelican Il rapporto Pelican
Автор: Жанр: Le Monnier (Mondadori Ed.) Год: 2008 Страниц: 406 Дата загрузки: 22 марта 2011
   «La notte del 1 ottobre Abe Rosemberg, prestigioso membra della Corte Suprema americana, viene assassinate Due ore piu tardi Glenn Jensen, il piii giovane dei colleghi di Rosemberg, viene strangolato in un cinema a luci ros-se, probabilmente dallo stesso assassino. II paese e sotto shock, Fbi e Cia brancolano nel buio. Chi poteva volere la morte dei due giudici? Darby Shaw, una brillante studen-tessa di legge, ё convinta di aver trovato la risposta. Le sue ricerche l'hanno portata a scoprire un'oscura macchinazio ne che coinvolge le massime autorita. Ma chiunque venga a conoscenza della sua tesi, contenuta nel «Rapporto Pelican», e destinato a morire. Darby ё costretta a fuggire per tutti gli Stati Uniti, alia ricerca di qualcuno che le creda e che la possa aiutare. E fortunatamente incontra un uomo disposto a giocarsi la carriera e la vita per aiutarla.»
The Brethren (+ Audio CD) The Brethren (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman) Год: 2008 Страниц: 104 Дата загрузки: 25 мая 2011
   Three former judges are in prison. They call themselves the Brethren and organize a pen-pal scam. The money is pouring in. But then the Brethren contact the wrong pen-pal — a powerful man with dangerous friends.
The Brethren The Brethren
Автор: Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman) Год: 2008 Страниц: 104 Дата загрузки: 25 мая 2011
   Contemporary / American English (Available June 2008) Three former judges are in prison. They call themselves the Brethren and organize a pen-pal scam. The money is pouring in. But then the Brethren contact the wrong pen-pal — a powerful man with dangerous friends.
Theodore Boone: Activist Theodore Boone: Activist
Автор: Жанр: Penguin Group Год: 2014 Страниц: 304 Дата загрузки: 03 августа 2016
   Theodore Boone, young lawyer, has had a lot to deal with in his thirteen years, everything from kidnapping to murder. But he's come through it all and, with the law on his side, justice has always prevailed. Sometimes, though, the law doesn't seem so just. His friend Hardie Quinn is about to have his family home bulldozed to make way for a bypass. Hardie is not the only one affected: other homes, businesses and schools lie in the path of the road. Theo has to tell his friend the bad news: for once, the law isn't on his side, and there's very little anyone can do to end the destruction. Theo joins the campaign to stop the road. But when he stumbles on a terrible secret about the corrupt men behind the plan — a secret it is illegal for him to know — Theo must figure out how to keep the developers from breaking the law...without breaking it himself.
Sycamore Row Sycamore Row
Автор: Жанр: Hodder and Stoughton Год: 2014 Страниц: 560 Дата загрузки: 10 сентября 2019
   Jake Brigance has never met Seth Hubbard, or even heard of him, until the old man's suicide note names him attorney for his estate. The will is dynamite. Seth has left ninety per cent of his vast, secret fortune to his housemaid. The vultures are circling even before the body is cold: the only subject more incendiary than money in Ford County is race, and this case has both. AS the relatives contest the will, and unscrupulous lawyers hasten to benefit, Jake searches for answers to the many questions left by Seth Hubbard's death: What made him write that last-minute will leaving everything to a poor black woman named Lettie Lang? Why did he choose to kill himself on the desolate piece of land known as Sycamore Row? And what was it that Seth and his brother witnessed as children that, in his words, 'no human should ever see'? In the long-awaited successor to the novel that launched his phenomenal career, John Grisham brings us the powerful sequel to A Time to Kill. As filled with page-turning twists as it is with legal mastery, Sycamore Row proves beyond doubt that John Grisham is in a league of his own.
Sycamore Row: A Novel Sycamore Row: A Novel
Автор: Жанр: Random House, Inc. Год: 2014 Страниц: 656 Дата загрузки: 26 декабря 2016
   John Grisham takes you back to where it all began. One of the most popular novels of our time, A Time to Kill established John Grisham as the master of the legal thriller. Now we return to Ford County as Jake Brigance finds himself embroiled in a fiercely controversial trial that exposes a tortured history of racial tension. Seth Hubbard is a wealthy man dying of lung cancer. He trusts no one. Before he hangs himself from a sycamore tree, Hubbard leaves a new, handwritten will. It is an act that drags his adult children, his black maid, and Jake into a conflict as riveting and dramatic as the murder trial that made Brigance one of Ford County’s most notorious citizens, just three years earlier. The second will raises many more questions than it answers. Why would Hubbard leave nearly all of his fortune to his maid? Had chemotherapy and painkillers affected his ability to think clearly? And what does it all have to do with a piece of land once known as Sycamore Row?
The Partner (+ Audio CD) The Partner (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Жанр: Pearson Год: 2014 Дата загрузки: 7 декабря 2016
   Contemporary / American English Patrick Lanigan, a lawyer, dies in a car crash. Later, the partners in his law firm discover that Patrick is not really dead. He is living in Brazil, and he has 90 million dollars of his partners' money...
L'ex avvocato L'ex avvocato
Автор: Жанр: Le Monnier (Mondadori Ed.) Год: 2013 Страниц: 367 Дата загрузки: 10 октрября 2016
   Chi è Malcolm Bannister? E cosa ha a che fare con la morte del giudice Fawcett? Quando un lunedì mattina il giudice non si presenta a un processo, i suoi collaboratori, preoccupati, chiamano l'FBI. Il corpo viene ritrovato nel seminterrato del suo cottage sul lago insieme a quello della giovane segretaria. La cassaforte aperta e svuotata. Nessuna impronta, nessun segno di scasso né di colluttazione, tranne piccole bruciature sul cadavere della donna. Solo Malcolm Bannister sa chi è stato e cosa è realmente successo. Apprezzato avvocato di colore, anzi, ex avvocato radiato dall'albo della Virginia perché coinvolto in una vicenda di riciclaggio di denaro, è attualmente detenuto nel Federal Prison Camp, nel Maryland, dove dispensa consigli legali ai compagni. Ha già scontato metà della sua condanna, ma vuole a tutti i costi uscire il prima possibile, e ora sa come fare: la sua libertà in cambio del nome del colpevole. Non avendo alcuna pista da seguire, l'FBI è interessato ad ascoltare le sue rivelazioni...
I contendenti I contendenti
Автор: Жанр: Le Monnier (Mondadori Ed.) Год: 2012 Страниц: 405 Дата загрузки: 22 марта 2015
   «Oscar Finley e Wally Figg sono due avvocati di Chicago soci da vent`anni in un piccolo studio legale sempre sull`orlo del fallimento. Litigiosi come una vecchia coppia, cercano di rimediare clienti come possono, perlopiu offrendo la loro consulenza «su misura» in divorzi lampo o alle vittime dei frequenti incidenti d`auto all`incrocio vicino al loro ufficio. I due tirano avanti piu o meno dignitosamente nella speranza di fare prima o poi il colpo grosso e di imbattersi in una causa che li renda finalmente ricchi. Il tran tran viene bruscamente stravolto il giorno in cui da loro irrompe David Zinc, giovane e rampante avvocato che fino a poche ore prima lavorava in uno dei piu rinomati studi legali della citta. Stanco dei ritmi massacranti e deciso a cambiare vita una volta per tutte, David non si e presentato in ufficio, si e preso una sbronza colossale e, per una serie di circostanze fortuite, e arrivato li, chiedendo di essere assunto. Sembra decisamente un segno del destino perche proprio in quei giorni ai tre si presenta l`opportunita della vita: un caso scottante che riguarda un`importante industria farmaceutica e che puo farli diventare finalmente ricchi. A quanto pare fama e soldi sono dietro l`angolo, ma e tutto troppo bello per essere vero e, quasi senza rendersene conto, Oscar, Wally e David si troveranno alle prese con un processo che rischia di stritolarli, dove sono in gioco miliardi di dollari e in cui i piu agguerriti avvocati dei migliori studi legali si sfidano in una guerra all`ultimo sangue.»
La firme La firme
Автор: Жанр: Pocket Год: 2014 Страниц: 475 Дата загрузки: 23 августа 2016
   Son attaché-case à la main, un jeune homme court à perdre haleine dans les rues de Memphis. Il s'appelle Mitch McDeere: troisième de sa promotion en droit à Harvard, il a surpris tout le monde en choisissant la firme Bendini, Lambert & Locke. Ce très confidentiel cabinet de Memphis a su, par des arguments irrésistibles, s'assurer sa collaboration. Alors vers quel contrat mirifique notre brillant juriste est-il en train de se ruer, au point d'en oublier la gravité nécessaire à la profession? Mitch a une excellente raison pour courir ainsi: sauver sa vie.
Il cliente Il cliente
Автор: Жанр: Le Monnier (Mondadori Ed.) Год: 2014 Страниц: 474 Дата загрузки: 20 декабря 2016
   «Mark Sway ha solo 11 anni quando assiste al suicidio di un avvocato. Prima di morire l'uomo gli rivela un terrificante segreto sull'omicidio di un senatore della Louisiana e sul mafioso accusato di esserne il mandante. E un'informazione preziosa che l'Fbi vuole a tutti i costi ma che la Mafia tenta di tenere nascosta con ogni mezzo. «Il cliente» e la storia di un giovane testimone ricercato da tutti e dell'avvocato, una donna coraggiosa e intraprendente, che ha capito la minaccia che incombe su di lui.»
Theodore Boone: The Activist Theodore Boone: The Activist
Автор: Жанр: Daedalus Books Год: 2014 Страниц: 272 Дата загрузки: 14 апреля 2018
   Though he's only thirteen, Theodore Boone has spent more time in the courtroom than almost anywhere else, and there's always a new adventure waiting. After having been falsely accused of vandalism and theft, Theo is happy to finally be out of the hot seat, once more dispensing legal advice to friends and community members, when an exciting new case demands his urgent attention.
Gray Mountain Gray Mountain
Автор: Жанр: Hodder and Stoughton Год: 2015 Страниц: 384 Дата загрузки: 15 июля 2016
   One week ago, Samantha Kofer was a third-year associate at New York City's largest law firm. Now she is an unpaid intern in a legal aid clinic deep in small-town Appalachia. When Lehman Brothers collapsed, she lost her job, her security, her future. As she confronts real clients with real problems, she finds herself a world away from her past life of corporate fat cats and fatter bonuses. This is coal country. Meth country. The law is different here. And standing up for the truth means putting your life on the line. America's greatest storyteller brings us a new masterpiece of legal courage and gripping suspense — and his finest heroine since The Pelican Brief.
The Associate The Associate
Автор: Жанр: Random House, Inc. Год: 2009 Страниц: 384 Дата загрузки: 15 декабря 2011
   «It's a deadly game of blackmail. And they're making him play. Kyle McAvoy is one of the outstanding legal students of his generation: he's good looking, has a brilliant mind and a glittering future ahead of him. But he has a secret from his past, a secret that threatens to destroy his fledgling career and, possibly, his entire life. One night that secret catches up with him in the form of some bad men in a dark alley — they have a deeply compromising video of the incident that haunts him. The men make it clear to Kyle that he no longer owns his own future — that he must do as they tell him, or the video will be made public knowledge, with all the unpleasant consequences. What price do they demand for Kyle's secret? Strangely, it is for Kyle to do exactly what any ambitious young lawyer would want to do: take a job in New York as an associate at the largest law firm in the world, a job that is incredibly well paid and, with mammoth hours and outrageous billing, could lead to partnership and a fortune. But Kyle won't be working for the company, but against it — passing on the secrets of the company's biggest trial to date, a dispute between two defense contractors worth billions of dollars to the victor. Now Kyle is caught between the criminal forces manipulating him and the FBI, who would love to unmask the conspiracy. Will his intellect, cunning and bravery be enough to extricate him from an impossible dilemma? Full of twists and turns and reminiscent of «The Firm», «The Associate» is vintage John Grisham.»
Rogue Lawyer Rogue Lawyer
Автор: Жанр: Hodder and Stoughton Год: 2015 Страниц: 352 Дата загрузки: 25 апреля 2019
   The best thriller writer alive — Ken Follett I'm not a typical lawyer. I don't maintain a pretty office filled with mahogany and leather. I don't belong to a big firm, prestigious or otherwise. I don't do good works through the bar association. I'm a lone gunman, a rogue who fights bad systems and hates injustice... Sebastian Rudd takes the cases no one else wants to take: the drug-addled punk accused of murdering two little girls; a crime lord on death row; a homeowner who shot at a SWAT team. Rudd believes that every person accused of a crime is entitled to a fair trial — even if he has to cheat to get one. He antagonises people from both sides of the law: his last office was firebombed, either by drug dealers or cops. He doesn't know or care which. But things are about to get even more complicated for Sebastian. Arch Swanger is the prime suspect in the abduction and presumed murder of 21-year-old Jiliana Kemp, the daughter of the assistant chief of police. When Swanger asks Sebastian to represent him, he lets Sebastian in on a terrible secret... one that will threaten everything Sebastian holds dear. Gritty, witty, and impossible to put down, Rogue Lawyer is the master of the legal thriller at his very best.
The Associate The Associate
Автор: Жанр: Passigli Год: 2011 Страниц: 496 Дата загрузки: 16 апреля 2015
   It's a deadly game of blackmail. And they're making him play. Kyle McAvoy is one of the outstanding legal students of his generation: he's good looking, has a brilliant mind and a glittering future ahead of him. But he has a secret from his past, a secret that threatens to destroy his fledgling career and, possibly, his entire life. One night that secret catches up with him in the form of some bad men in a dark alley — they have a deeply compromising video of the incident that haunts him. The men make it clear to Kyle that he no longer owns his own future — that he must do as they tell him, or the video will be made public knowledge, with all the unpleasant consequences. What price do they demand for Kyle's secret? Strangely, it is for Kyle to do exactly what any ambitious young lawyer would want to do: take a job in New York as an associate at the largest law firm in the world, a job that is incredibly well paid and, with mammoth hours and outrageous billing, could lead to partnership and a fortune. But Kyle won't be working for the company, but against it — passing on the secrets of the company's biggest trial to date, a dispute between two defense contractors worth billions of dollars to the victor. Now Kyle is caught between the criminal forces manipulating him and the FBI, who would love to unmask the conspiracy. Will his intellect, cunning and bravery be enough to extricate him from an impossible dilemma? Full of twists and turns and reminiscent of The Firm, The Associate is vintage John Grisham.



