Carroll Lewis

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Автор: Жанр: Penguin Group Год: 2014 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 декабря 2016
   When Alice follows the White Rabbit down a rabbit hole, she finds herself in an enchanted world, filled with creatures like the Mad Hatter, the disappearing Cheshire Cat, and the Queen of Hearts. Alice quickly finds out that nothing is as it seems in the wild world of Wonderland...
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Автор: Жанр: Random House, Inc. Год: 2008 Страниц: 336 Дата загрузки: 15 июня 2010
   Alice is one of the most beloved characters of English writing. A bright and inquisitive child, one boring summer afternoon, she follows a white rabbit down a rabbit-hole. At the bottom, she finds herself in a bizarre world full of strange creatures, and attends a very strange tea party and croquet match. This immensely witty and unique story mixes satire and puzzles, comedy and anxiety, to provide an astute depiction of the experience of childhood.
The Nursery Alice The Nursery Alice
Автор: Жанр: Macmillan Children's Books Год: 2010 Страниц: 72 Дата загрузки: 20 декабря 2012
   The story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland continues to enchant generations of adults and children alike. This picture book version, adapted by Lewis Carroll himself and designed especially for younger readers, will bring back many happy memories for parents and grandparents and is a perfect introduction to all the magic and humorous mayhem of Wonderland! First published by Macmillan & Co in 1890, this newly rediscovered treasure is a perfect gift; ideal for all the family and a joy to share aloud.
Alice Au Pays Des Merveilles Alice Au Pays Des Merveilles
Автор: Жанр: Larousse Год: 2012 Страниц: 192 Дата загрузки: 16 мая 2015
   Assise dans l’herbe un jour d’été, Alice voit passer un lapin blanc qu’elle suit dans son terrier. Elle bascule alors dans un monde extraordinaire et magique…Né des contes que l'auteur improvisa un jour pour trois petites filles, ce rêve à épisodes, fondé sur le désir et la peur de grandir, se déroule sur le rythme des comptines et reproduit les fantaisies et les fantasmes de l'enfance.
Alicia en el país de las maravillas Alicia en el país de las maravillas
Автор: Жанр: Debolsillo Год: 2010 Страниц: 384 Дата загрузки: 15 декабря 2012
   Las aventuras de Alicia recrean escenarios insólitos y ponen en entredicho los postulados lógicos del mundo convencional. Alicia en el país de las maravillas traspasa el umbral que separa la realidad del sueño y se adentra en un territorio sin leyes ni normas, donde todo es posible. Triunfo de la imaginación y del ingenio, esta narración recrea un mundo de escenarios y criaturas isólitos, y pone en entredicho todos y cada uno de los postulados lógicos en que se basa el mundo convencional. La continuación de este relato, A través del espejo, y el hilarante poema L a caza del Snark completan esta edición ilustrada.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Walker Illustrated Classics Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Walker Illustrated Classics
Автор: Жанр: Walker Books Год: 2009 Страниц: 208 Дата загрузки: 17 сентября 2014
   «Walker Illustrated Classics» is a new series which brings together some of the best-loved stories ever told, illustrated by some of today's finest artists. These exquisitely designed books, with their magnificent words and glorious pictures, are a pleasure to read — and re-read. The classics have never looked so good! For over a hundred years, «Alice in Wonderland», Lewis Carroll's classic story of logic and lunacy has delighted young and old alike. More abundantly illustrated than previous editions, this award-winning interpretation is full of warmth and humour. The whole approach is contemporary and accessible: Alice herself is a child of today — casually dressed, personable, spirited. In Helen Oxenbury's hands, the topsy-turvy world of Wonderland is a wondrous place indeed!»
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Автор: Жанр: Oxford University Press Год: 2014 Страниц: 271 Дата загрузки: 27 августа 2016
   What's at the bottom of the rabbit hole? Wonder! Adventure! Confusion! Cake! Join Alice as she tumbles into a strange world where curious things are normal, and normal things are ...curiouser! Oxford Children's Classics present not only the original and unabridged stories of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass in one beautiful new edition, but also help you to discover a whole world of new adventures with an amazing assortment of recommendations and activities.
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie-Attraverso lo specchio Alice nel paese delle meraviglie-Attraverso lo specchio
Автор: Жанр: Garzanti Год: 2014 Страниц: 346 Дата загрузки: 18 июня 2016
   «Alice è una bambina che, per seguire un coniglio bianco, cade in un pozzo profondissimo sul fondo del quale si aprono le porte di un mondo fantastico. Personaggi irreali e avventure incredibili le fanno trascorrere momenti felici fino all'immancabile risveglio. Il volume contiene, oltre alla più nota «Alice nel paese delle Meraviglie», anche il seguito delle avventure della bambina, intitolato «Attraverso lo specchio».»
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie Alice nel paese delle meraviglie
Автор: Жанр: Rizzoli (RCS MediaGroup) Год: 2013 Страниц: 261 Дата загрузки: 15 мая 2016
   Come un'innocente gita al fiume può trasformarsi nella più inimmaginabile avventura della letteratura europea? Semplicemente inseguendo un coniglio bianco con un panciotto e un orologio da taschino. Comincia così, senza stupore, il viaggio di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, uno strano mondo abitato da animali parlanti e stizzosi, sorridenti e sentenziosi. Ma la sua storia non è solo il capolavoro fiabesco che tutti hanno conosciuto, è anche una fitta trama di significati nascosti e palesi nonsensi, imbastita per scardinare le logiche anguste dei precetti morali. Il viaggio di Alice diventa così occasione, per adulti e bambini, di scoprire la luminosa mutevolezza di tutte le cose.
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie-Attraverso lo specchio Alice nel paese delle meraviglie-Attraverso lo specchio
Автор: Жанр: Newton Compton Год: 2014 Страниц: 222 Дата загрузки: 05 июня 2016
   A oltre un secolo dalla sua pubblicazione, Alice, come romanzo e come personaggio, conserva ancora intatta tutta la sua freschezza, incantando non solo i più giovani ma anche gli adulti, che nel suo mondo meraviglioso scoprono un altro sé, pronto a sfidare ardui giochi linguistici, entusiasmanti trucchi psicologici, situazioni impossibili che mettono in discussione la realtà e svelano l'irresistibile fascino dell'assurdo. In un romanzo in cui la sospensione dell'incredulità è d'obbligo, il gusto del gioco non può essere dimenticato e va riscoperto con occhi che sappiano guardare al di là del consueto. Perché qui è l'essenza della vita, e forse tra i sogni segreti di tanti c'è proprio la tana di un coniglio bianco in cui perdersi, uno specchio al di là del quale riscoprire la bellezza della vita reale. È letteratura per ragazzi? È un libro da leggere punto e basta. Premessa di Simona Vinci, introduzione e note di Paola Faini.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Автор: Жанр: Penguin Group Год: 2008 Страниц: 176 Дата загрузки: 12 мая 2011
   On an ordinary summer's afternoon, Alice tumbles down a hole and an extraordinary adventure begins. In a strange world with even stranger characters, she meets a rabbit with a pocket watch, joins a Mad Hatter's Tea Party, and plays croquet with the Queen! Lost in this fantasy land, Alice finds herself growing more and more curious by the minute... With a wonderfully inspiring introduction by Chris Riddell, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is one of the twelve brilliant classic stories being relaunched in Puffin Classics in March 2008.
Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There
Автор: Жанр: Penguin Group Год: 2011 Страниц: 208 Дата загрузки: 17 августа 2013
   When Alice steps through the looking-glass, she enters a very strange world of chess pieces and nursery rhyme characters such as Humpty Dumpty, Tweedledee and Tweedledum and the angry Red Queen. Nothing is what it seems and, in fact, through the looking-glass, everything is distorted.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Автор: Жанр: Walker Books Год: 2001 Страниц: 208 Дата загрузки: 16 февраля 2009
   A multi-award-winning classic — now in paperback. For over a hundred years, Lewis Carroll's classic story of logic and lunacy has delighted young and old alike. More abundantly illustrated than previous editions, this award-winning interpretation is full of warmth and humour. The whole approach is contemporary and accessible: Alice herself is a child of today — casually dressed, personable, spirited. In Helen Oxenbury's hands, the topsy-turvy world of Wonderland is a wondrous place indeed! One of the most talked about children's books of 1999, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland won the Kate Greenaway Medal and the Kurt Maschler Award.
Alice in Wonderland Everlasting Diary Alice in Wonderland Everlasting Diary
Автор: Жанр: CRW Publishing Год: 2014 Страниц: 384 Дата загрузки: 15 августа 2016
   This everlasting literary diary has been specially commissioned from Rosemary Gray. It has one page per day, and each contains apposite quotes taken from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland or Through the Looking-Glass and one of Sir John Tenniel's superb illustrations. Because each day is dated, but not named, it is suitable for use in any calendar year — or perhaps as a birthday and anniversary book. It is uniform in size with the rest of The Collector's Library, and will make an elegant and handy keepsake. 2014 is the 150th anniversary of Alice's Adventure's Under Ground, the manuscript that Lewis Carroll presented to Alice Liddell and which was developed into Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, published in 1865. Sir John Tenniel was a British illustrator, graphic humourist and political cartoonist whose work was prominent during the second half of the 19th century. He was the principal political cartoonist for Punch magazine for over 50 years and was knighted by Queen Victoria for his artistic achievements in 1893.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Classic Works Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Other Classic Works
Автор: Жанр: Sterling Publishing Год: 2014 Страниц: 771 Дата загрузки: 16 апреля 2018
   Lewis Carrolls novels Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass have entertained readers young and old for more than a century. Their magical worlds, amusing characters, and playfully logical illogic epitomize the wit and whimsy of Carrolls writing. Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Other Classic Works collects both of the Alice novels, each featuring the classic illustrations of John Tenniel. In addition, this volume features the novels Sylvie and Bruno and Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, the classic nonsense poem The Hunting of the Snark, and the full contents of the poetry collection Phantasmagoria.
Through the Looking Glass Through the Looking Glass
Автор: Жанр: Macmillan Publishers Год: 2015 Дата загрузки: 7 декабря 2017
   One day, Alice climbs through the big Looking-glass above the fire... and into Looking-glass Land. Here, everything is back to front and the garden is a giant chessboard. The Red Queen tells Alice that when she reaches the eighth square, she can be a queen, too. Will Alice reach the eighth square and become queen?
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Автор: Жанр: Macmillan Publishers Год: 2015 Дата загрузки: 7 декабря 2017
   One sunny day, Alice follows a White Rabbit down a rabbit hole... and into Wonderland! Wonderland is a very strange place and lots of very strange people live there. Alice has some wonderful adventures with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Cheshire Cat. And she even plays a game of croquet with the frightening Queen of Hearts!
The Nursery Alice The Nursery Alice
Автор: Жанр: Macmillan Publishers Год: 2015 Страниц: 72 Дата загрузки: 20 октрября 2018
   I wrote to Macmillan to suggest a new idea: a 'Nursery Edition' of Alice with pictures printed in. Lewis Carroll's diary, 15th February, 1881 The Nursery Alice, originally published by Macmillan & Co. in 1890, was the very first colour edition of Alice. It was intended, wrote Carroll, to be read by Children aged from Nought to Five. To be read? Nay, not so! Say rather to be thumbed, to be cooed over, to be dogs eared, to be rumpled, to be kissed... With this new, younger readership in mind, Carroll rewrote Alice, simplifying and abridging the original text, while Tenniel redrew, enlarged and coloured twenty of his iconic illustrations. The resulting book is a delightfully engaging experience, readers prompted to interact not only with the story but also with the images and even the physical book itself, in a way that is thoroughly modern. Gloriously reproduced for the anniversary year, the present edition retains the every word of the original and restores the exquisite delicacy of Tenniel's artwork — lost in reproductions across the decades — along with the delightful cover artwork by Emily Gertrude Thomson. This gem of a book is the perfect introduction to Alice, a delight for readers of every age.
Through the Looking-Glass Through the Looking-Glass
Автор: Жанр: Macmillan Publishers Год: 2015 Страниц: 224 Дата загрузки: 13 августа 2017
   Alice's second adventure takes her through the looking-glass to a place even curiouser than Wonderland. She finds herself caught up in the great looking-glass chess game and sets off to become a queen. It isn't as easy as she expects: at every step she is hindered by nonsense characters who crop up and insist on reciting poems. Some of these poems, such as 'The Walrus and The Carpenter' and 'Jabberwocky', are as famous as the Alice stories themselves. Macmillan was the original publisher of Alice in 1865 and is proud to remain true to the vision of its creators. Every bit as iconic are Sir John Tenniel's remarkable illustrations, perfectly capturing the combination of the ordinary and the extraordinary at the heart of Wonderland.
Alice in Wonderland: Down the Rabbit Hole (+ Audio CD) Alice in Wonderland: Down the Rabbit Hole (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Жанр: Macmillan Publishers Год: 2015 Страниц: 32 Дата загрузки: 16 мая 2018
   Lewis Carroll's Wonderland characters are as fresh and engaging as the day he dreamt them up. Here, for young readers, is a glorious introduction to Alice's magical universe from bestselling illustrator Eric Puybaret. Puybaret's rich, jewel-like illustrations perfectly capture the wit and whimsy of Wonderland, while the elegantly simplified text retains Carroll's most memorable lines, such as Curiouser and curiouser and Oh dear, oh dear, I shall be too late. Fresh, modern and gloriously colourful, this is an enchanting first step down the rabbit hole and into the world of Alice. Includes a story CD, read by Downton Abbey's Joanne Froggatt (Anna).



