
Road Atlas: France Road Atlas: France
Жанр: Прочие Год: 2013 Страниц: 304 Дата загрузки: 02 сентября 2018
   Fully revised and updated for 2014, this specialist A4 road atlas designed for the British motorist in France includes 32 city center plans to help you find your way in and around busy centers. There is a 12-page route planner, 10 large scale environs maps, over 18,500 tourist sites shown on the mapping, and French place names are used to match local road signs. Road mapping for Corsica is included, plus 10 district maps including Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Toulouse, and Bordeaux. The atlas legend is in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Dutch.
Copyright in A Global Information Economy Copyright in A Global Information Economy
Жанр: Прочие Год: 2013 Страниц: 1032 Дата загрузки: 14 августа 2015
   Copyright in a Global Information Economy explores the full range of copyright law and its relationship to technological innovations and globalization. Written with precision and clarity, this ambitious yet manageable casebook elucidates the fundamental disputes of copyright law with incisive and balanced perspective. The book features comprehensive coverage of domestic and international copyright law, a balanced treatment of controversial issues, as well as a wide selection of concisely edited cases, engaging and practical examples and discussions, and photographs that facilitate and stimulate discussion of cases.
Raising Bilingual-Biliterate Children in Monolingual Cultures Raising Bilingual-Biliterate Children in Monolingual Cultures
Жанр: Прочие Страниц: 231 Дата загрузки: 10 сентября 2009
   This book is a longitudinal case study carefully detailing the French/English bilingual and biliterate development of three children in one family beginning with their births and ending in late adolescence. The book focuses most specifically on the children's acquisition of French and English during their early through late adolescence, in both their Louisiana and Quebec home environments.
The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to the Present
Жанр: Прочие Страниц: 290 Дата загрузки: 15 июня 2009
   «In a provocative book about American hegemony, Christopher Layne outlines his belief that U.S. foreign policy has been consistent in its aims for more than sixty years and that the current Bush administration clings to mid-twentieth-century tactics-to no good effect. What should the nation's grand strategy look like for the next several decades? The end of the cold war profoundly and permanently altered the international landscape, yet we have seen no parallel change in the aims and shape of U.S. foreign policy. The Peace of Illusions intervenes in the ongoing debate about American grand strategy and the costs and benefits of «American empire.» Layne urges the desirability of a strategy he calls «offshore balancing»: rather than wield power to dominate other states, the U.S. government should engage in diplomacy to balance large states against one another. The United States should intervene, Layne asserts, only when another state threatens, regionally or locally, to destroy the established balance. Drawing on extensive archival research, Layne traces the form and aims of U.S. foreign policy since 1940, examining alternatives foregone and identifying the strategic aims of different administrations. His offshore-balancing notion, if put into practice with the goal of extending the «American Century,» would be a sea change in current strategy. Layne has much to say about present-day governmental decision making, which he examines from the perspectives of both international relations theory and American diplomatic history.»
Лекарства и их аналоги: Выпуск 2 Лекарства и их аналоги: Выпуск 2
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2015 Страниц: 128 Дата загрузки: 21 июля 2016
   Опытный врач, назначая пациенту лечение, выписывает рецепт на лекарства не по их названию, а по международному наименованию химического вещества. В результате в аптеке человек, исходя из своих материальных возможностей, сам может решить, приобретать ему дорогой оригинальный препарат или выбрать более дешевый аналог. В нашей книге вы можете сравнить цены на лекарства при диабете, ожирении, заболеваниях щитовидной железы, крови, глаз, почек, женских не­дугах и болезнях уха, горла, носа. Также мы объясним особенности лечения этих заболеваний, расскажем о побочных действиях препаратов и о том, в каких ситуациях лекарственные средства принимать нельзя.
Classic Hits: New York's Pioneering Subway Graffiti Writers Classic Hits: New York's Pioneering Subway Graffiti Writers
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2012 Страниц: 144 Дата загрузки: 22 сентября 2017
   The most visual book on early 1970s graffiti ever published. Early 70s New York saw the growth of a new phenomenon. Graffiti is the greatest and most influential artistic movement of our time. It was created by kids, for kids. In Classic Hits, the key persons and pioneers tell their own story. Classic Hits is an eye-opening first-hand story told in unique pictures and text. From Taki 183 to Blade to Iz the Wiz. Their names have garnered star status far beyond graffiti culture, and without them, no Seen, no Banksy, no Revok. In Classic Hits, the pioneers talk about how they got started and where graffiti took them. We follow them to a different New York and get a glimpse of their driving forces. Together, the essays offer an invaluable picture of graffiti in the early, playful years. Author Alan Fleisher started writing graffiti in the Bronx at the age of 13 in 1972. Unlike most, he always carried his camera with him. Through his many adventures in the subway depots, he got to know several of the greatest writers of New York. his experiences give Classic Hits a unique insider view. Classic Hits was created to give the reader a sense of real history from the writers who were there in the early years of graffiti.
Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to Professor Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American bar Imbibe! From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to Professor Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American bar
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2007 Страниц: 324 Дата загрузки: 23 октрября 2010
   A lively, historically informed, and definitive guide to classic American cocktails. Cocktail writer and historian David Wondrich presents the colorful, little-known history of classic American drinks-and the ultimate mixologist's guide-in this engaging homage to Jerry Thomas, father of the American bar. Wondrich reveals never-before-published details and stories about this larger than-life nineteenth-century figure, along with definitive recipes for 100 punches, cocktails, sours, fizzes, toddies, slings, and other essential drinks, plus twenty new recipes from today's top mixologists, created exclusively for this book. This colorful and good-humored volume is a mustread for anyone who appreciates the timeless appeal of a well-made drink-and the uniquely American history behind it.
Sexualidades Disidentes En La Narrativa Cubana Contemporanea Sexualidades Disidentes En La Narrativa Cubana Contemporanea
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2012 Страниц: 208 Дата загрузки: 18 июля 2013
   Este libro analiza las discontinuidades de los postulados ideologicos del sistema revolucionario cubano, en un corpus representativo de la narrativa cubana contemporanea, desde 1990 hasta la actualidad. Este ensayo se ocupa del estudio de subjetividades sexuales alternativas como instrumentos desestabilizadores de la hegemonia nacional. Asimismo, estos textos desarticulan y, a menudo, difuminan los referentes nacionales, con el proposito de legitimar estas identidades marginales, previamente consideradas como incompatibles con la moral revolucionaria. En consecuencia, este volumen resalta las contradicciones de aparatos politicos y culturales que han percibido historicamente las sexualidades alternativas como injuriosas, aunque estas fueran utilizadas como el opuesto necesario que afirmaba y legitimaba el poder. El periodo estudiado ha coincidido con el surgimiento de una apertura gradual en material sexual que sugeriria cierto afan de adaptacion oficial y controlada, con miras a nuevas realidades nacionales y globales. En este sentido, estas practicas culturales contemporaneas se apuntalan, mas que nunca, como herramientas de construccion de una Cuba posible. Patricia Valladares-Ruiz es Assistant Professor of Romance Literatures and Literatures en la University of Cincinnati.
Мамы и детки Мамы и детки
Жанр: Прочие Страниц: 12 Дата загрузки: 14 августа 2009
   «Предлагаем вашему вниманию иллюстрированную книгу «Мамы и детки». Для чтения взрослыми детям.»
Clip, Stamp, Fold Clip, Stamp, Fold
Жанр: Прочие Год: 2011 Страниц: 672 Дата загрузки: 11 июля 2012
   An explosion of little architectural magazines in the 1960s and 1970s instigated a radical transformation in architectural culture, as the magazines acted as a site of innovation and debate. Clip/Stamp/Foldtakes stock of seventy little magazines from this period that were published in over a dozen cities. Coined in the early twentieth century to designate progressive literary journals, the term little magazine was remobilized during the 1960s to grapple with the contemporary proliferation of independent architectural periodicals. The terms little and magazine are not taken at face value. In addition to short-lived radical magazines, Clip/Stamp/Foldincludes pamphlets and building instruction manuals along with professional magazines that experienced moments of littleness, influenced by the graphics and intellectual concerns of their self-published contemporaries. Beatriz Colomina is Professor of Architecture and Founding Director of the Program in Media and Modernity at Princeton University.
«Книжка-игрушка «Сравнилки» «Книжка-игрушка «Сравнилки»
Жанр: Прочие Дата загрузки: 7 декабря 2009
   «Развививающая игрушка-книжка «Сравнилки». Идеальные первые книжки для самых маленьких: познавательные, компактные, безопасные. Удобно брать в поездку с малышом, послужат украшением книжной полки в детской.»
Школа игры на ударных инструментах: Часть 3 Школа игры на ударных инструментах: Часть 3
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2010 Страниц: 92 Дата загрузки: 11 августа 2012
   «Автор — великолепный методист, скрупулезно освещающий и разбирающий все детали барабанной «кухни»: начиная с посадки за инструментом, держания палок, высоты расположения барабанов и кончая подборкой нотных примеров (упражнений)». Ю. Маркин.»
Школа игры на блокфлейте: Учебное пособие (+ Audio CD) Школа игры на блокфлейте: Учебное пособие (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2007 Страниц: 48 Дата загрузки: 24 августа 2009
   Самоучитель игры на блокфлейте-сопрано адресован и взрослым, и детям школьного возраста. Оригинальная авторская методика подачи материала и простота техники игры на блокфлейте позволяют практически с первых минут учебы исполнять нетрудные пьесы. По самоучителю могут заниматься и те, кто имеет представление об элементарной теории музыки, и те, кто вообще не знает нотную грамоту, но желает с ней познакомится.
Барабаны: Школа игры для начинающих Барабаны: Школа игры для начинающих
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2016 Страниц: 144 Дата загрузки: 23 августа 2018
   «Барабаны. Школа игры для начинающих» – лучший выбор для начинающего или желающего отточить свое мастерство музыканта. Начиная с основ, – постановка рук, правильная посадка, расстановка и настройка ударной установки, чтение нот, – книга даст подробнейшее представление о техниках и приемах игры, ритмах, размерах – важного и необходимого для любого музыканта.
Wisdom Stories Wisdom Stories
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2005 Страниц: 166 Дата загрузки: 16 февраля 2009
   Chinese classic stories have inherited and passed on the abundant historic treasury of the Chinese nation that has been accumulated over several thousand years, mirroring the politics, military affairs, culture, folk customs, prevailing moral practices, ideals and interests of ancient China. Through those stories, people can gain an understanding of Chinas long history and achieve an insight into the profound historical origins of Chinese culture. We have identified stories from the vast number of Chinese classic stories, and complied them into this collection. All stories are illustrated in concise words and expressions, and vivid pictures, which will help the process of reading enjoyable. The series of Classic Stories of China comprises nine books: Scenic Spots Stories, History Stories, Myths Stories, Wisdom Stories, Folk Customs Stories, Ancient Fables, Folk Tales, Idiom Stories, Drama Stories. May those books be your good teacher and helpful friends in learning Chinese culture.
Revelations in Colour: Rossica № 7/8 Revelations in Colour: Rossica № 7/8
Жанр: Прочие Дата загрузки: 7 декабря 2009
   This issue of ROSSICA is dedicated to two great Russian artists, Dionisy and Vasily Kandinsky who were divided by four centuries. Both were iconic figures of their time, if Kandisky represents the formation of abstract art, Dionisy epitomised the school of Moscow Icon painting in early 16th century Russia. Both were fascinated by the spirituality of art, both manifested their apocalyptic vision through colour. The issue investigates how Kandinsky‘s theory of the symbolism of colours appears to stem from the medieval mysticism of Dionisy’s frescos. This issue has the most extensive article, ever to be published in English, on Dionisy’s world famous frescos at the Ferapontov Monastery in Northern Russia. Also in this issue: Andrew Moore tells the intriguing story of the Walpole collection and of its connection to the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. Ekaterina Andreeva analyses the medieval tradition of the bestiary in movable objects created by contemporary artists Olga and Alexander Florensky.
The Arab-Israeli Cookbook The Arab-Israeli Cookbook
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Страниц: 96 Дата загрузки: 15 мая 2009
   A companion to Robin Soans’ docudrama The Arab-Israeli Cookbook, this volume collects the actual recipes shared by the people Soans interviewed in Israel and Palestine. The dishes range from carrot cake to kebabs, from falafels to gefilte fish, from tabbouleh to tuna melt. Includes color photographs and commentary on the people who provided the recipes. Winner of a Gourmand Cookbook Award in 2004.
Come donna innamorata Come donna innamorata
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Страниц: 175 Дата загрузки: 10 декабря 2009
   Come si può continuare a scrivere quando la morte ti ha sottratto la tua Musa? E questo l'interrogativo che, l'8 giugno 1290, tormenta Dante Alighieri, giovane poeta ancora alla ricerca di una sua voce, davanti alle spoglie di Beatrice Portinari. Da quel momento tutto cambierà: la sua vita come la sua poesia. Percorrendo le strade di Firenze, Dante rievoca le vicissitudini di un amore segnato dal destino, il primo incontro e l'ultimo sguardo, la malìa di una passione in virtù della quale ha avuto ispirazione e fama. E sgomento, il giovane poeta; e smarrito. Ma la sorte gli riserva altri strali. Mentre le trame della politica fiorentina minacciano dapprima i suoi affetti — dal rapporto con la moglie Gemma all'amicizia fraterna con Guido Cavalcanti — e poi la sua stessa vita, Dante Alighieri fa i conti con le tentazioni del potere e la ferita del tradimento, con l'aspirazione alla gloria letteraria e il timore di non riuscire a comporre il suo capolavoro... E un Dante intimo, rivelato nella sua fragilità ma anche nella potenza della sua visione del mondo, quello che Marco Santagata mette in scena in un romanzo che restituisce le atmosfere, le parole, le inquietudini di un Medioevo vivido e vicino. Il sommo poeta in tutta la sua umanità: lacerato dall'amore, tormentato dall'ambizione, ardentemente contemporaneo.
Ralf Mitsch: Why I Love Tattoos Ralf Mitsch: Why I Love Tattoos
Жанр: Прочие Страниц: 120 Дата загрузки: 10 сентября 2009
   Through more than 50 portraits of inspiring people who tell the story behind their tattoos, photographer Ralf Mitsch delves into a personal fascination with adorning ones own body with permanent ink. As a teenager in the 1980s, he noticed how those who had tattoos generally came from social strata with little to do with ruling class norms, or just wanted to rebel. Their decorated skin told a kind of life story in an ever-changing patchwork. Nowadays, tattoos are a fashion item, worn by people from all walks of life. A person covered in tattoos is a painting, full of surprises. Mitsch wants to get under the skin and discover the real motivation: is it about documenting their lives, or simply an addiction?
Sweet Maria's Italian Cookie Tray: A Cookbook Sweet Maria's Italian Cookie Tray: A Cookbook
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Страниц: 128 Дата загрузки: 20 октрября 2009
   Sweet Maria's Italian Cookie Tray presents sixty-five recipes for the delicious, festive cookies that brighten every Italian home, at the holidays and all year-round. Maria Bruscino Sanchez opened Sweet Maria's bakery when she was just twenty-six years old, specializing in authentic Italian cookies and cakes made from handed-down family recipes. The result has been a booming business, and this very special cookbook. The irresistible reciples range from drop, molded and filled cookies; biscotti; taralle and biscuits; pizelles, and more. Easy to prepare and perfect for any occasion (or no occasion at all) they include: Chocolate Almond Macaroons, Pignoli Nut Cookies, Amaretto Biscotti Sesame Cookies, Almond Crescents, Lemon Drop Cookies, Chocolate Puffs, Florentines, Lady Fingers, Sweet Ravioli Cookies, Christmas Honey Clusters, Angel Wings, Cinnamon Nut Bars, and more. Whether you grew up in an Italian home or just wish you did, this wonderful collection is sure to become a cookie lover's favorite--one you will return to again and again.



