Keeling Dave

Rocket Up Your Class! Rocket Up Your Class!
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2009 Страниц: 120 Дата загрузки: 11 июля 2010
   «The Independent Thinking Series» brings together some of the most innovative practitioners working in education today under the guidance of Ian Gilbert, founder of Independent Thinking Ltd. Are you looking for a creative opening, energising middle or big finish to a lesson? Then just pick out a relevant game, exercise or idea from this wonderful book and watch the fireworks go. Failing that, just leave the room as you found it and head for your local hostelry where Dawn will be waiting with a patient ear, a packet of crisps and your usual. All the ideas contained within this book have come together over ten years of experience, working with thousands of students in hundreds of schools. Some are of Dave's own devising, some have been donated and the rest have been simply nicked under the user-friendly title of knowledge sharing, but all have been deployed with one vision in mind which is to shamelessly entertain whilst at the same time engaging young people in the creative arena in order to prove, as Socrates the Greek philosopher once stated, Life and learning should be a festival of the mind.»
Invisible Teaching: 101 Ways to Create Energy, Openness and Focus in the Classroom Invisible Teaching: 101 Ways to Create Energy, Openness and Focus in the Classroom
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2011 Страниц: 126 Дата загрузки: 18 мая 2014
   This is a book of new fast, fun activities that require little or no set-up to boost the energy, openness and focus of students (and teachers) that promote a positive and focused classroom atmosphere. This practical book of 101 tried and tested activities will boost performance levels in the classroom by tapping into the secrets of invisible teaching. Easy to follow and deliver, the activities personalise learning, encourage creativity, inspire students, develop emotional intelligence and better communication, build rapport and support effective classroom management and ignite a passion for learning.




