Huff Tanya

Blood Series 2: Blood Trail Blood Series 2: Blood Trail
Автор: Жанр: Little, Brown and Company Год: 2004 Страниц: 352 Дата загрузки: 23 октрября 2009
   It began with two bodies. Different locations, same cause of death. Vicki Nelson, P.I., knew right off that it wouldn`t be a straightforward case. The silver bullets found at the scene were a pretty big clue. Vicki is on the trail of an assassin hell-bent on wiping out Canada's last remaining werewolf clan.
Blood Series 3: Blood Lines Blood Series 3: Blood Lines
Автор: Жанр: Little, Brown and Company Год: 2004 Страниц: 368 Дата загрузки: 28 марта 2009
   It began with a dazzling vision of the sun. And for Henry Fitzroy, that was the worst vision of all. Sunlight never features high on a vampire`s list of daydreams. But for Vicki Nelson, P.I., one hallucinatory vampire hardly warrants a drop-everything-case, even if they were sometimes lovers. Or so she thought at the time.




