
For a Fabulous Wife For a Fabulous Wife
Жанр: Прочие Год: 2013 Страниц: 96 Дата загрузки: 16 марта 2016
   Say thank you to someone special with these fun and stylish little books, packed full of lovingly selected quotations and retro illustrations for a special person in your life.
For a Wonderful Husband For a Wonderful Husband
Жанр: Прочие Год: 2013 Страниц: 96 Дата загрузки: 16 марта 2016
   Say thank you to someone special with these fun and stylish little books, packed full of lovingly selected quotations and retro illustrations for a special person in your life.
Driving Test Tips Driving Test Tips
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2014 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 декабря 2016
   Don't let preparing for your driving test drive you up the wall! With tips from instructors and new drivers for both before and during the test, this little book is jam-packed with helpful advice to make sure that you are in fine form for the open road... and that you lose your L-plates rather than your cool.
Exams-Busting Tips Exams-Busting Tips
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2014 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 декабря 2016
   What's stopping you acing your exams? This handy little book identifies the most common stumbling blocks and is crammed with practical tips on how to overcome academic angst. This is your one-stop expert guide to coordinating your revision and your lifestyle during any exam period, no matter what level of education you are at.
A Child is Born A Child is Born
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2010 Страниц: 220 Дата загрузки: 16 мая 2013
   In 1965, Lennart Nilsson published images from inside the human uterus, the first photographs of prenatal life. The book that was to follow, A Child is Born, stunned the world — offering an unprecedented glimpse at the unseen world within our bodies, and our own beginnings. Using high-definition ultrasound technique, scanning electron and light microscopes, and advanced fibre optics Lennart Nilsson documents the miracle of human reproduction: the egg travelling down the fallopian tube; the sperm racing to meet it; the moment of fertilization; the very first cell division; the tiny embryo attaching to the uterine wall; the growth of eyes, ears, fingers and toes; and, finally the moment of delivery itself — providing an astonishing glimpse of the first moments of life. In this, the fully revised fifth edition, A Child is Born is redefined for a new age. With a completely new accompanying text, the images are rendered in astonishing detail utilising revolutionary new photographic technology, with the photographs themselves the dominant driving force of the narrative.
Домашний кухонный календарь: Рецепты, праздники, советы на каждый день Домашний кухонный календарь: Рецепты, праздники, советы на каждый день
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2014 Страниц: 240 Дата загрузки: 23 декабря 2016
   Этот домашний календарь станет незаменимым помощником для любой хозяйки 365 дней в году! — Народные приметы дадут прогноз, проверенный веками — Рецепты месяца подскажут, что приготовить — Православный календарь напомнит об именинниках и праздниках — Полезные советы на все случаи помогут в хозяйстве — Мудрые цитаты и девизы вдохновят и улучшат настроение — Место для заметок позволит сохранить собственные идеи
Why Steve Was Late: 101 Exceptional Excuses for Terrible Timekeeping Why Steve Was Late: 101 Exceptional Excuses for Terrible Timekeeping
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2014 Страниц: 104 Дата загрузки: 25 апреля 2018
   «Ever been late? Steve has, 101 times this year alone—but he always has a good excuse! Here they are for you to enjoy, and maybe even borrow. Try, «I was overcome by the urge to alphabetize my pets, « or perhaps a simple «Had ninja trouble.» Steve has used both these excuses, and here they are hilariously illustrated. He also has claimed to have become temporarily feral, accidentally sold himself on eBay, and gotten stuck in a romantic montage. An illustration of Steve with Darth Vader accompanies the inarguable excuse «I was seduced by the Dark Side.» He also gets lost in his duvet, and discovers he has a rather unusual superpower.»
Barracuda Barracuda
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2014 Страниц: 528 Дата загрузки: 16 мая 2017
   He loses everything. In front of everyone. Where can he go from here? Barracuda is the blazingly brilliant new novel from the author of the phenomenal bestseller The Slap. Daniel Kelly, a talented young swimmer, has one chance to escape his working-class upbringing. His astonishing ability in the pool should drive him to fame and fortune, as well as his revenge on the rich boys at the private school to which he has won a sports scholarship. Everything Danny has ever done, every sacrifice his family has ever made, has been in pursuit of his dream. But when he melts down at his first big international championship and comes only fifth, he begins to destroy everything he has fought for and turn on everyone around him. Tender and savage, Barracuda is a novel about dreams and disillusionment, friendship and family. As Daniel Kelly loses everything, he learns what it means to be a good person — and what it takes to become one.
The British Dream: Successes and Failures of Post-war Immigration The British Dream: Successes and Failures of Post-war Immigration
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2014 Страниц: 416 Дата загрузки: 09 февраля 2016
   In The British Dream, David Goodhart tells the story of post-war immigration and charts a course for its future. Drawing on hundreds of interviews with people from all over the country and a wealth of statistical evidence, he paints a striking picture of how Britain has been transformed by immigration and examines the progress of its ethnic minorities—projected to be around 25 per cent of the population by the early 2020s. Britain today is a more open society for minorities than ever before, but it is also a more fragmented one. Goodhart argues that an overzealous multiculturalism has exacerbated this problem by reinforcing difference instead of promoting a common life. The multi-ethnic success of Team GB at the 2012 Olympics and a taste for chicken tikka masala are not, he suggests, sufficient to forge common bonds; Britain needs a political culture of integration. Goodhart concludes that if Britain is to avoid a narrowing of the public realm and sharply segregated cities, as in many parts of the US, its politicians and opinion leaders must do two things. Firstly, as advocated by the center right, they need to bring immigration down to more moderate and sustainable levels. Secondly, as advocated by the center left, they need to shape a progressive national story about openness and opportunity—one that captures how people of different traditions are coming together to make the British dream.
The Case of the Missing Boyfriend The Case of the Missing Boyfriend
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2014 Страниц: 416 Дата загрузки: 09 февраля 2016
   C.C. is nearly 40, and apart from her real name—which she hates with a passion usually reserved for men with beards—everything in her life seems wonderful. She has a high-powered job in advertising, a beautiful apartment in Primrose Hill, and a wild bunch of gay friends to spend the weekends with. And yet she feels like the Titanic—slowly, inexorably, and against all expectation, sinking. The truth is, C.C. would rather be digging turnips on a remote farm than convincing the masses to buy a life-changing pair of double-zippered jeans, would rather be snuggling at home with the Missing Boyfriend than playing star fag-hag in London's latest coke-spots. But sightings of straight men that don't have weird fetishes or secret wives are rarer than an original metaphor, and C.C. fears that pursuing the Good Life alone will just leave her feeling even more isolated. Could her best friend's pop-psychology be right—are the horrors of C.C.'s past preventing her from moving on? And if C.C. finally does confront her demons, will she find the Missing Boyfriend, or is it already too late?
Я не могу уснуть: Уникальная система избавления от бессонницы за 5 недель Я не могу уснуть: Уникальная система избавления от бессонницы за 5 недель
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2014 Страниц: 224 Дата загрузки: 12 сентября 2019
   Замечали ли вы, что чем больше вы стараетесь уснуть, тем сложнее вам это дается? Эффективная методика, описанная в книге Гая Мэдоуса покажет вам, как перестать бороться и начать спать. Используя сочетание техник осознанности и Терапии Принятия и Ответственности (ТПО) доктора Мэдоуса, а также применяя удобно расписанный по неделям курс избавления от бессоницы, вы сможете освободиться от проблем со сном, вне зависимости от того, страдаете ли вы от редких бессонных ночей или же продолжительной бессонницы. Инновационные методы Гая Мэдоуса имели беспрецедентный успех в США и были рекомендованы абсолютно всеми клиентами семинаров и курсов доктора. По многочисленным просьбам, его высокоэффективный и естественный способ лечения бессонницы представлен в виде этой книги и теперь доступен в России. Внимание! Информация, содержащаяся в книге, не может служить заменой консультации врача. Необходимо проконсультироваться со специалистом перед применением любых рекомендуемых действий.
Symbols and Allegories in Art Symbols and Allegories in Art
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2005 Страниц: 384 Дата загрузки: 14 апреля 2009
   From antiquity, when the gods and goddesses were commonly featured in works of art, through to the twentieth century, when Surrealists drew on archetypes from the unconscious, artists have embedded symbols in their works. As with previous volumes in the Guide to Imagery series, the goal of this book is to provide contemporary readers and museum visitors with the tools to read the hidden meanings in works of art. This latest volume is divided thematically into four sections featuring symbols related to time, man, space (earth and sky), and allegories or moral lessons. Readers will learn, for instance, that night, the primordial mother of the cosmos, was often portrayed in ancient art as a woman wrapped in a black veil, whereas day or noon was often represented in Renaissance art as a strong, virile man evoking the full manifestation of the sun's energy Each entry in the book contains a main reference image in which details of the symbol or allegory being analyzed are called out for discussion. In the margin, for quick access by the reader, is a summary of the essential characteristics of the symbol in question, the derivation of its name, and the religious tradition from which it springs.
Herb Ritts: L. A. Style Herb Ritts: L. A. Style
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2012 Страниц: 224 Дата загрузки: 12 сентября 2017
   Herb Ritts: L.A. Style traces the life and career of the iconic photographer through a compelling selection of renowned, as well as previously unpublished, photographs and two insightful essays. Herb Ritts (1952-2002) was a Los Angeles-based photographer who established an international reputation for distinctive images of fashion models, nudes, and celebrity portraits. During the 1980s and 1990s, Ritts was sought out by leading fashion designers such as Armani, Gianfranco Ferre, Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Valentino, and Versace, as well as magazine editors from GQ, Interview, Rolling Stone, and Vanity Fair, among others, to lend glamour to their products and layouts. Largely self-taught, Ritts developed his own style, one that often made use of the California light and landscape and helped to separate his work from his New York-based peers. From the late 1970s until his untimely death from AIDS in 2002, Ritts's ability to create photographs that successfully bridged the gap between art and commerce was not only a testament to the power of his imagination and technical skill, but also marked the synergistic union between art, popular culture, and business that followed in the wake of the Pop Art movement of the 1960s and 1970s. An exhibition of the same name will be on view at the Getty Center from April 3 through August 12, 2012; at the Cincinnati Art Museum from October 6 through December 30, 2012; and at the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida, from February 23 through May 19, 2013.
Can't You Sleep, Little Bear? (+ Audio CD) Can't You Sleep, Little Bear? (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2011 Страниц: 32 Дата загрузки: 15 июня 2013
   In this tender account of a sleepless night in the bear cave, Big Bear sets out with all his patience and understanding to show Little Bear that the dark is nothing to be afraid of. When all the lanterns in the cave aren't enough to quell Little Bear's troubled emotions, Big Bear offers—in a final loving gesture—nothing less than the bright yellow moon and the twinkling stars! More comforting than even the best of lullabies, this bedtime story is destined to become a classic.
Pied Piper of Hamelin Pied Piper of Hamelin
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2011 Страниц: 64 Дата загрузки: 10 октрября 2014
   In the town of Hamelin, the rich folk live high off the hog, while the poor and sick must scavenge in the trash that's left behind. And that trash keeps building up and up until a horde of rats overruns the town. In this lively retelling, a spunky street kid narrates the age-old tale of a piper who offers to rid a town of its rats for a single gold coin, then lures away the town's children when the greedy mayor reneges on the deal. With a nod to contemporary social and environmental themes, former British Children's Laureate Michael Morpurgo and illustrator Emma Chichester Clark team up to charm readers with a compelling--and ultimately hopeful--new take on a timeless story.
Ye Olde Doodles Ye Olde Doodles
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2011 Страниц: 160 Дата загрузки: 26 февраля 2013
   Ye Olde Doodles is an eye-popping, head-chopping, jaw-dropping collection of pictures plucked from the past -that children can create and complete. Buster's most popular doodle artist — Andrew Pinder — a trained arc-haeologist and an expert in prehistory has brought his uniquely quirky style to this excellent doodle book that makes history fun. The doodles form a timeline, stretching from Ice-Age mammoth hunters to a Y2K shelter, and include famous moments in history from all over the world. Children can let their imaginations run wild, no drawing skills required.
Musica: 1 000 Years Of Classical Music Musica: 1 000 Years Of Classical Music
Жанр: Прочие Год: 2010 Страниц: 448 Дата загрузки: 22 сентября 2015
   This lavishly illustrated book provides the definitive reference to Western classical music. It travels on a musical journey through time, revealing how composers and performers, priests, princes and patrons, and the events of history have created the tradition of classical music.
Christianity Christianity
Жанр: Прочие Год: 2010 Страниц: 511 Дата загрузки: 16 декабря 2012
   This compelling and superbly illustrated account of 2000 years of Christianity has been written by religious experts. With authoritative text, superb illustrations featuring Christian art and architecture of the times, special features on the Bible, prayer and liturgy, plus detailed maps and a timeline, this is a great reference for anyone.
Maritimea: Above and Beneath the Waves Maritimea: Above and Beneath the Waves
Жанр: Прочие Год: 2011 Страниц: 524 Дата загрузки: 16 марта 2014
   This is a bold and exhilarating account of the oceans and ocean exploration. With authoritative text by geographers, oceanographers, historians and marine experts, it features over 600 superb photographs and illustrations plus detailed mapping throughout. Special features covering topics from boat building through the ages, navigational advances, piracy on the high seas, the story of diving, the undersea cables, to the hottest topical issues like whales and whaling and the territorial disputes over underwater resources, make Maritimea a completely comprehensive and accessible reference that captures the drama and excitement of the maritime world, above and beneath the waves.
How to Woo, When, and to Whom: A Facsimile How to Woo, When, and to Whom: A Facsimile
Автор: Жанр: Прочие Год: 2006 Страниц: 40 Дата загрузки: 14 июля 2009
   All you need is love? Not according to W. H. Collingridge, the author of this essential guide to finding, wooing, and securing a suitable partner. Originally published in 1855, this brisk, no-nonsense handbook still has much to teach lovers and their suitors today. Love is a perilous business and the task of choosing a partner is compared to the perils of walking on thin ice. Reassuringly, the author guides the reader through the primary considerations of choice: age, health, tempter, fortune, morals, position in society, acquirements, and individualities. There is advice on the craft of writing love letters, how lovers should behave in public, and how to deal with rejection. Mixing direct instruction with short passages of borrowed verse, this book is full of sage guidance such as 'both men and women vary greatly as to the age at which they arrive at maturity; marriage should never be undertaken before that age, and generally never after.' Through all the advice, the institution of marriage shines and is credited with conferring a host of virtues, how it sharpness men's intellects, improves their morals, and 'by a certain necessity' enlarges their energy. This new, sumptuously designed edition will delight everyone with a sweetheart, and caution everyone without to choose wisely.



